How my journey began…

Hi. I’m Caitlin. And I was a veterinarian who felt trapped.

After graduating from vet school and finishing a small animal internship, I followed my heart into emergency medicine. As a Type-A high achiever, I sought constant improvement and perfection, but I tied feelings of self-worth to the outcomes of my patients. This ultimately led to unhealthy coping mechanisms like drinking, a deteriorating marriage, and burnout (x2). I felt like I was in a loop, behaving in ways I knew were detrimental, but I couldn’t see a way out. I wanted to change, but I had no clue where to start. I felt helpless, lost, and alone.

Through reading and self-reflection, and with the assistance of coaching, I finally learned how to ditch my old ways of thinking and start trusting myself again. I discovered practical ways to build my resiliency and found that I actually enjoy being a veterinarian again!

Today, I work as a veterinary mentor for new graduates. This allows me to pursue a passion for coaching veterinary professionals in wellbeing skills, helping others find the same freedom and happiness.

I want you to know that you’re not alone if you feel stuck in VetMed. But it doesn’t have to be that way - by learning how to shift your thinking, you can discover pockets of happiness in the career you used to love!

Statement of Integrity:

Caitlin prioritizes a lifestyle centered on wellbeing and personal growth. As such, she is committed to an alcohol-free life, and prefers to embrace the wonders of being human without the influence of alcohol or other substances.

She believes in fostering an inclusive community, without discrimination or judgment of others’ personal choices regarding alcohol consumption. She does not require abstinence from clients, other than those specifically engaged in coaching related to alcohol.

Caitlin’s philosophy revolves around self-determination and individual choice, and this is the foundational principle for her coaching.

Caitlin’s Naked Life Story

Caitlin was a Type A kid who got good grades, played sports, fit the mold, and checked all the boxes. She had her first drink on her 21st birthday with her parents and hated the taste of champagne. Fast forward to veterinary school which required a big move away from her partner and family, just three days after Caitlin’s mom passed away. Alcohol became a source of comfort and escape - from stress, reality, herself. Caitin’s drinking ramped up even more during her internship - where it’s “go, go, go, go until you burn out and break down.” Caitlin was using alcohol as a salve for everything. Then, she discovered This Naked Mind - she did a Live Alcohol Experiment and then joined The PATH. Today, she describes herself as a former box checker who sets her intentions each morning on how she wants to feel that day. Listen as she shares her story with This Naked Mind Head Coach Scott Pinyard.



QPR Gatekeeper
This Naked Mind Certified Coach

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.

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If you’re interested in learning more about how to break the cycle, get unstuck, and finally feel fulfilled in your veterinary career, let’s chat!